Mental Health Month
People with mental illness smoke ½ of all cigarettes in US. Look at our resources page to find tools to help you and your clients quit this month.
People with mental illness smoke ½ of all cigarettes in US. Look at our resources page to find tools to help you and your clients quit this month.
To learn more about Cancer Research Month, visit the AACR website.
Join the Public Health Foundation (PHF) and the Association for Community Health Improvement on Monday, May 1, 2017 from 3-4pm EDT for a webinar focused on taking action in support ...
The Summit will take place at The Georgetown Marriott Hotel, in Washington, DC on Monday, May 8, 2017. View the program at E-Cigarette Summit includes high level briefings from ...
May 15th is National Women's Check-up Day
National Jewish Health is the provider of the largest non-profit smoking Quitline in the country. We will share best practices for integration of SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) data ...
During this session three leaders in tobacco control will discuss: dangerous and shocking trends in e-cigarette marketing; a movement sweeping the nation - increasing the minimum sale age for tobacco ...
During this session includes speakers from the community, academic institution, and health care system to discuss three different primary cancers (anal, cervical, and colorectal cancers) incorporating the common threads of ...
Panel of LGBTQ-identifying people and their experiences of equity, discrimination and the need for advocacy within the US healthcare system. This panel will include LGBTQ cancer survivors, parents, and other ...
In this session, we will be doing an overview of language and concepts related to gender identity and transgender identities and communities. Presenters will also do an overview of important ...
Patient Navigation:(1) discuss evidence for patient navigation programs for cancer prevention (tobacco treatment and cancer screening); (2) present a case example of a successful patient navigation program; (3) discuss models ...
LGBT community-based organizations, including LGBT community centers and LGBT youth centers, are perfectly positioned to promote health and wellness in the communities they serve - but finding funding to support ...