New Truth® Flavor Ads Now Available for Partner Use

Truth Initiative® is excited to offer new truth ads for use by youth and young adult serving organizations to help spread awareness of the facts and dangers associated with flavored tobacco ...

Webinar: Living in a Cloud: Adolescent Nicotine Use

Description Though adolescent cigarette smoking rates have decreased over the past four decades with fewer than 1 in 25 teens reporting daily tobacco use, e-cigarette use has increased two-fold. There ...

Lung Health & COVID-19 Hosted by ALA

Lung Health & COVID-19 Hosted by the American Lung Association As the news and recommendations around the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) evolves, we will be hosting 30-minute updates every Monday at ...

Tobacco Cessation and Bias Masterclass Workshop

Tobacco Cessation and Bias Masterclass Workshop Original Air Date: June 23rd, 1:30 - 3:30 pm ET Historically marginalized communities continue to face disproportionate challenges around access to, and quality of, ...

Nicotine Addiction, Mental Wellbeing & Recovery 101

Nicotine Addiction, Mental Wellbeing & Recovery 101 SCHEDULED AIR DATE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 12 – 1 P.M. ET Advancement of public health policies and practices over the past 50 years ...

Power of Data in Advancing Equitable Tobacco Outcomes

National, state, and local-level data sources are essential to address tobacco-related disparities among individuals with mental health and substance use challenges. But, knowing how to find, understand and apply these ...