World Cancer Day

In honor of World Cancer Cay, throw back to the National Behavioral Health for Tobacco and Cancer Control’s webinar: “Cancer prevention approaches for people with mental illnesses & addictions”

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

People with Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder are at a greater risk of getting colorectal cancer. Make sure to share this fact sheet on colorectal cancer screening and risk factors!

Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is a global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research.  Information on the health effects of cigarette smoking, including how ...

World Oral Health Day

 Tobacco use in any form—cigarettes, pipes, and smokeless tobacco—raises your risk for gum disease. The longer you smoke, the greater your risk. (Tips page) Information on smoking and gum disease, ...

Mental Health Month

People with mental illness smoke ½ of all cigarettes in US. Look at our resources page to find tools to help you and your clients quit this month.

National Women’s Health Week

In honor of Women’s Health Week, share these great Smoke Free Women Resources with your clients. Your clients will be able to sign up for 24/7 smokefree texts, download a ...

No Menthol Sunday-May 28, 2017

No Menthol Sunday is on May 28th – a time to raise awareness of the addictiveness of menthol and push for a ban on menthol in tobacco products.   Please ...

30 SmokeFree Days

Dear Friends, Thinking of quitting smoking? Want some extra help? Are you on Facebook? Join us for 30 Smokefree Days,a 30-day quit smoking event that provides a built-in community of ...